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Many exercise programs and diet pills promise amazing results, but too often, these promises are misleading and even dangerous. Read on into the following paragraphs for true facts about fitness. The tips and tricks in this article will help you stay in shape without buying into dangerous programming.

When you set goals for yourself, it is easier to stay motivated. You become focused on beating obstacles, not how hard it will be. If you have goals in mind, you're also less likely to quit, as you'll want to see through the things you've started.


Keep your workout routines interesting by changing it up occasionally. For instance, instead of doing all your workouts on your treadmill, take a walk around your neighborhood. Different results will be achieved when the person runs on the sidewalk or up a hill. By adding variety to workouts, one can avoid the body becoming too accustomed to any given exercise, which keeps weight gastric balloon loss steady.

Work out on lifting weights for no more than an hour. Muscles start to become very fatigued after an intense workout that lasts longer than an hour. So keep those weight workouts less than 60 minutes.

Work on strengthening your thighs to better protect your knees. Tearing a ligament in back of the kneecap is a sports injury that occurs quite frequently. Work out both your hamstrings and your quads to ensure that your knees are protected. Some examples of these exercises are leg curls and leg extensions.

Don't be taken in by the hype and false promises of unproven diet and exercise programs advertised on infomercials. Being fit is about more than just losing weight. Take advantage of what you've learned, and take the steps to change your life. You are now armed with the tools; all you need to do is use them.